C’Mon Get Happy

I don’t know about you, but I’m soooo tired of politics and Covid and just plain negativity. I miss the days of my social media newsfeed being full of kids and puppies, vacations and gardens, and even what people were eating! Back in 2014 and 2017, I did a challenge called 100 Happy Days. It’s a challenge to find something every day for 100 days that makes you happy and document it however you’d like. It can be something as simple as your morning cup of coffee or as big as the birth of a grandchild. Whatever makes you smile, feel a little spurt of joy, or the giddiness of happiness. Snap a picture of it (or something that represents it) and post it somewhere….Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter…your social media of choice….and use a hashtag to identify it as part of the challenge. It was a great exercise in looking for the positive and being more aware of attitude and the little things. I made a little video of my 2014 photos back then and tonight, when I looked at, it brought back some great memories! Even though the photos don’t have the captions on them, I knew exactly what it was about each of them that made me happy then.

So many people struggled to find good in 2020 and I really, really wish I had done this challenge again last year to remind me that there was some good things throughout the year. We are in a new year that seems to be continuing along in the same way as last year so I am going to do this challenge again starting tomorrow. One hundred days will take me through the end of April. We can all use a little more happy in our lives these days and I’m going to do my part to try to spread a little of it around. I am going to use the hashtag #100happydays2021. I would like to invite all of my friends to join in. Or don’t if it’s not your thing. I think it could be a fun thing to do and look forward to every day…just one happy thing a day. The ‘rules’ are easy. Take a picture of something every day and post it on your choice of social media using the hashtag. (If you’d rather not share it, that’s okay!)  Just write it down. Keep a journal. Make a scrapbook. However you want to do it.  But, look for the happy every day and document it for 100 days.  Miss a day? That’s okay. Just pick it up the next day. It’s not a competition or anything. It’s just a way to try to brighten the days a little bit for all of us. I’ll be posting something every day on IG and FB and a ‘review post’ here every week. C’mon, let’s get HAPPY!!

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy. Sarah Prout

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